10 inch x 2.5 inch Carbon Cartridge

Aragon 10"x2.5" Cartridge

10 inch x 2.5 inch Carbon Cartridge


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Aragon 10"x2.5" Cartridge

This cartridge (Patent No. 2287356 dd. 30.06.2015) combines several water treatment methods: mechanical; ion exchange, adsorption; electric adsorption.

Polymers with a space globular structure (SGS-polymers) were first synthesized in the USSR as the type of ion-exchange resins in the middle of 20th century.

Today only Geyser has a serial production technology of this material. SGS-polymers are radically new material combining three types of filtration: mechanical, sorption, and ion-change filtration. None of known sorption materials can remove such a wide range of chemical compounds as SGS-polymers do.

ARAGON — resorcin-based polymer shows the best results in complex removal of harmful impurities from water. It has successfully passed strict compliance tests to Russian and International standards to be used in drinking water purification systems. Dissolved chemical elements (from aluminum to heavy and radioactive metals) and their compounds are removed from water by means of ion-exchange and sorption mechanisms.

The mechanical filtration of all particles with the size larger than the size of the external pores of the material is performed on the surface. The filtration channel has a complex tortuous form with a gradient porosity preventing discharge of filtered impurities into the purified water that often happens during pressure jumps. The number of free channels in the material gradually lowers decreasing the pressure of the purified water*. Aragon-based filtering element can be used repeatedly.

The labyrinth internal structure of ARAGON acts as a barrier for microorganisms. The majority of bacteria and viruses have oblong shape (from 0.5 to 20.0 mkm), that is why they are trapped in the tortuous channels of the material. To suppress the growth of microorganisms absorbed in the polymer, silver is inserted into the material in the form entirely preventing its migration into the purified water.

Quasi-softening is the unique feature of the ARAGON material. The structure of hardness salts is changed in water passing through the filtering material. As a result, no scale is formed in purified water. The water acquires the properties having favorable effect on living organism. More detailed information on effect of quasi-softening will be discussed hereafter.

The material has high mechanical strength with the possibility of mechanical treatment (cylinders, discs, etc.). Compact and efficient filters based on ARAGON material are unified in accordance with main international standards. The ARAGON sorbent was successfully used for water treatment in the regions exposed to contamination after the Chernobyl accident.

The Aragon material has such a structure that the average size of the pore is about 0,5 mkm. Hence the electrical field from globule completely overlaps the internal volume of the pore. Due to the combining of fields of separate globules an electrical field with high tension is formed within the pore. Let us take standard Aragon cartridge as an example. The thickness of its filtering layer is 30 mm. To cross this barrier the virus must pass a twisted chain of about 40 000 charged pores. Who of us haven’t licked the battery to check whether it’s fresh or not. Or haven’t accidentally touched bare wire? Likewise the viruses, coming through the pores, receive electrical discharges, but 1000 more powerful, that eventually leads to destruction of viral envelope and inactivation of virus itself.

Unique properties of Aragon material

Traditional methods applied for water softening and scale prevention are ion exchange and reserve osmosis. Both methods remove just excess hardness salts from water. These are reliable but rather expensive methods.

An alternative way to prevent scale formation is to leave hardness salts in water, but to change their structure so that they will not form hard deposits when heated. Scale usually consists of calcium carbonate in the calcite form. However, there is another crystalline modification of calcium carbonate — aragonite. Aggregation and surface adherency capability of aragonite crystals are substantially lower than those of calcite. Aragonite precipitates in the fragile and loose form.


Filter Service Life:

Treatment volume-2000L

Max Treatment rate- 3 Liters per minute

Temp range- +4Deg C to 75Deg C.

NSF 42/53 Certified

Aragon Bio Removes:

  • Legionella Pneumoophila 99.999%

  • Salmonella Typhimurium 99.99%

  • Poliovirus 99,99%

  • Hepatitus A virus 96%

  • Bacteria E. coli. 99.9%

  • Lead 99.95%

  • Zinc 99%

  • Cadmium 98%

  • Cesium 98%

  • Chlorine 99.9%

  • Pesticides 97%

  • Aluminum 99.95%

  • Chloramine 90%+



Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Good for bore water

The water tastes great out of our tap.
Customer service responded to my query about fitting a different model. Thanks.

Julie McRae
Superior service and excellent filter

I have found the Aragon filter exceptional for filtering rainwater tank drinking water. The quality and taste have improved enormously and I will never go back to the old filter I used previously. The service from PSI was also excellent with the filter arriving quickly. Highly recommended.

Edward Schneider
