Regular price $350.00
Regular price $350.00
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4 Stage RO/DI system with dual pressure gauges, dual point TDS meter, 400LPD membrane

Certified Australian Standard AS 3497 wall mount 4 stage reverse osmosis unit with an De-ionization post filter, with 100 gallon/400 litres per day @50 psi, 150 GPD / 600 LPD @ 100 psi genuine Filmtec TFC Membrane. Premium quality housings.

Premium quality housings. Certified Australian Standard AS 3497

Stages of filtration-

Stage 1-Food Grade 1 micron polyspun sediment filter.

Stage 2-Coconut Carbon cartridge for zero added phosphate (USA Made)

Stage 3- 100gpd Filmtec membrane (USA made)

Stage 4- Di-ionization

Food Grade DI resin cartridge.

Replacement sediment, carbon and DI resin or Replacement sediment, carbon and DI resin cartridge

Replacement Membrane

*Comes standard with the laundry tap adapter which piggy backs off the cold water line that feeds the washing machine. Laundry tap connector or

Comes standard with Dual point digital TDS meter, optional triple point TDS meter which will monitor water condition in three positions ( Incoming water, Post Membrane and Post DI resin) This option adds $10 to the system.

Exclusive combination membrane flushing valve/flow restrictor which extends membrane life and purity.

Dual glycerin filled pressure gauges to monitor pressure difference across the cartridge indicating cartridge change times.

Optional drinking water and separate DI system. Simply turn the 3way valve clockwise for RO/DI water and anti-clockwise for RO drinking water. Turning the anti clockwise direction will by pass the DI stage which will still give you reverse osmosis water for drinking purposes but without the 100% pure DI water.

The DI cartridge is a re-fillable cartridge which makes it far cheaper to operate. You can simply re-fill the cartridge with new resin when it becomes exhausted (cartridge is full), 550 grams of resin to refill is $16.00.

3 year warranty

Minimum operating pressure is 40 psi (280KPA)

Automate option includes(adds $180 to the system price)-

This option if selected in the drop down menu will be Pre plumbed ready to go. This option is the best way to fully automate this Ro system so it will automatically top-up a Marine tank or IBC container ETC. If selecting this option, It is no longer possible to have the DI-Drinking water bypass option installed on the system.

Product comes complete, ready for installation.